Welcome! Connect NW Physical Therapy & Wellness provides inclusive and affirming pelvic and orthopedic care to people of all backgrounds. Our primary go to be a welcoming, safe, respectful place to share your story and get the help you need and deserve. Our team is passionate about creating access to compassionate and experienced care for those who may face significant barriers to health care.

In addition to addressing any pelvic floor or orthopedic concerns outline elsewhere on the website, we are also equipped to address issues related to binding, tucking and gender affirming surgeries.

Gender Affirming Care

Pre-Surgical Care:

  • Provide pre-surgical pelvic floor assessment for bottom surgery as well as treatment as needed to ensure optimal outcomes during your recovery postsurgical

  • Educate you on the function of the pelvic floor, bowel, and bladder before and after surgery

  • Establish care with a trusted provider to discuss your goals and evaluate your current strength, mobility, and functional levels as a baseline for postsurgical recovery

Post-Surgical Care:

  • Assist you in establishing or modifying dilator routine (post vaginoplasty)

  • Address any scar tissue restrictions or restrictions in your muscles and connective tissues (ligaments & fascia) which can affect optimal muscle function

  • Address hypersensitivity of the tissue which can cause pain/discomfort to the touch 

  • Help you return to all desired activities including intimacy, exercise (whatever that looks like for you) and whatever activities you like to do for fun!